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About Us

"Peace starts with suffering. Freedom starts with confinement. Courage starts with fear. Strength starts with surrender. Every Mountain starts from beneath the earth, and you too, shall rise."

Our Story

At a pivotal moment in our recovery journey, Kallup and I, both nine months into our recovery after completing a Peer Support training in North Carolina, felt a deep calling to create something meaningful to support others who, like us, had faced the darkness of addiction and needed a guiding light. Driven by the desire to be the mentors we wished we had during our own struggles, we founded RezHOPE (Healing Our People Everyday) Recovery & Consulting Services.

Recognizing a common challenge faced by many in recovery - the lack of a supportive environment post-treatment, we transformed a former party house in our community into a beacon of hope. While we were fortunate to have supportive families, we understood that not everyone had the same privilege. Our mission was clear - to provide a safe haven for individuals seeking a fresh start on their recovery journey.

Drawing from our personal experiences, we discovered the transformative power of faith and fitness in our recoveries. Embracing activities like weight training and participating in ultramarathon events, we found a sense of community, growth, and purpose that surpassed our expectations. As members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, we also recognized the importance of nurturing our physical well-being alongside our mental and spiritual health, reconnecting with our cultural identity, to make a positive and healthy impact within the next seven generations.

Through the holistic approach of strengthening our mind, body, and spirit, we uncovered a sense of peace, identity, and freedom that eluded us during our struggles with addiction. Our journey has taught us that true healing comes from within, and we are committed to sharing this message of hope and empowerment with all those who walk through the doors of RezHOPE.

Meet The Team

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